Wednesday 12 February 2014


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salus populi est suprema lex
Quasi - Judicial Administrative Tribunals

The Rules of Natural Justice - Equity, Fairness, In the Public Interest words that bring meaning to the concepts in law wherein the reputation of the administration of justice is able to adequately respond to issues of conflict through the creation and maintenance of a hospitable environment.
Fairness in judicial or administrative considerations usually occurs through aggressive petition – asking for rights precipitates the rising of a complete hearing – determination of Good Cause or Just Cause.

Judicial Review, as an instrument that strives to provide these features of equitable practices, is a rather new field of law.

Administrative law exists in most organized bodies that profess to have the constituted right to render decisions of dispute; church law is one historical decision making body that is still evolving in these fields of fairness.
Professional organizations, sports clubs, unions, governmental offices, and, international political bodies such as the United Nations, The International Court of Justice, The International Criminal Court; and, the World Bank , and the Interantional Chamber of Commerce all have developed a process of decision making – and, generally, a record keeping and appeal process – for dispute issues.
These provisions exist in most organized bodies that profess to have the constituted right to render decisions of dispute; church law is one historical decision making body that is still evolving in these fields of fairness., as an instrument that strives to provide these features of equitable practices, is a rather new field of law. in judicial or administrative considerations usually occurs through aggressive petition – asking for rights precipitates the rising of a complete hearing – determination of Good Cause or Just Cause. - Equity, Fairness, In The Public Interest - words that bring meaning to the concepts in law wherein the reputation of the administration of justice is able to adequately respond to issues of conflict through the creation and maintenance of a hospitable environment.

The provision of record keeping is a key principle in Natural Justice; particularly, where one of the parties to the action may wish to seek an appeal of the rendered decision.
The matters of precedence / previous rulings, also, are fundamental to ensuring a continuum for a community to attain a sense of history; to examine how they have evolved through the standard of public interest.
The history of man – the social animal – provokes the question of where does fairness and natural justice play a role when the evidence of our practices reflects the matters of military and economic might out-ruling these concepts of fairness.
ETHICS which is defined as the science of morality, often enjoys a survival in an environment that is absent of stress.are international examples of working bodies that promote the preservation of individual stand up for principles; and, to be prepared to face death for the preservation of ethics.
An example of the evolution of a hospitable environment is found within the parliament House Of Commons in Canada; where the floor space between the government-of-the-day {Governor-In-Council} and the Official Opposition is measured by the distance of two broadsword lengths: which provides a RULE where combatants may lash out or swing at each other without actually being able to cause harm by striking and causing a wound.
The fair raising of children occurs through lessons that provide a gradual growth of respect for a set of rules – ones that provide some degree of respect from one party to the other. Children get to know the rules and the consequences of failing to abide by these guidelines or pathways for social order.The TOUCHSTONE Committee [tc75] takes the position of being an advocate for the maintenance of the Rules Of Natural Justice, as they provide a fair option to the roles of military / political / religious and , or, economic might in the lives of the common person.
Within these parameters of fairness and equity, TOUCHSTONE advocates that indigenous rights are the most fundamental of natural rights.The Center For World Indigenous Studies; and, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights
Ethics will evolve through the use of its resources; the capacity for law to respond to circumstances will remain strong and representative where people seek out its diameters : to understand the four corners of its application.
The concept of understanding that you are never abandoned to the prevails of injustice of the abuse of authority was once exemplified through the decisions of Sir Thomas Moore
And, therefore, TOUCHSTONE, as an associate to Gaia-Watts, encourages individuals and groups to strive to attain openness and fairness in matters of administrative justice.
Indigenous People & The Law
The Evolutionary Process

We are available for contact through . Our practice is to form committees of skilled and experienced persons in the specific area of interest that directly relates to the issues and points at hand. As advocates, we undertake to discover methods for resolve; and, on occasion that will require our attendance at public hearings, Royal Commissions; or, in Class Actions.
All communications to TOUCHSTONE are respected with the utmost of confidentiality. Names and specific points of information remain the confidential record of TOUCHSTONE. Names of inquiring parties and members of Committee Members are never divulged without the advice of the affected party.
The Moral Declaration of TOUCHSTONE: salus populi eis suprema lex : The Right Of The People Is The Supreme Law.
TC75 has constructed a committee to review and publish matters as arising from the question of the roles of military / constitutional / church / and, international law; which may be positioned between the individual and the state; especially, as issues of privateering and colonization are lodged.
Thank you
All communications may be addressed to
The Chairperson, The TOUCHSTONE Committee
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Salus Populi Est Suprema Lex : The Welfare Of The People Is The Ultimate Law
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